"lets step into the sun."


Name: Oak Mavina
Age: 38 Years Old
Gender/Pronouns: Cis Female (She/Her)
Orientation: demi-romantic | asexual
Height: 5' 9" | 175 CM
Weight: 159 lbs | 72 kg
Place of Origin: Earth
Primary Class: Mechanic
Secondary Class: Medic

Equipment & Weaponry:
► surgical kit
► wrench
► goggles
Additional training/skills:► Metal Smithing
► Surgical Stitching
► Child Care

► dark skinned, dark brown eyes
► long black hair that stops at the small of her back.
► one prosthetic leg.

medical notes:
► damaged lungs [due to smoking]
► amputated leg left leg.
► blood type: AB+
psychological notes:

heavy metalMechanicCannot take DMG for 2 turns. 
WD40MechanicAny weapon or mechanical tool looked over by this Mechanic prior to or during battle gains a +1 to succeeding in its intended function. Costs one post round and the effect can last until the item breaks. 
Protein PowerMechanicWhen critically injured (under 10HP) this Mechanic earns +3 to all defensive and escape rolls. Results in fatigue. 
NurseMedicRolls 1d10, the value rolled is the amount of HP added to the patient's HP. Overhealing can be stored for up to 5HP extra, and dispersed amongst other units in need of healing. 
Clear Your MindmedicWhen this individual is on a team they have the ability to encourage their teammates. Give a +2 to all rolls for each teammate during High Duress Situation for only one round. [SINGLE USE] 
Made with LoveNeutral+1 to all rolls if the user consumes food prepared for them. Takes up 1 round each and can be stacked up to 5 times. Can also be given to others.[STACKS +5]


When the sun comes back up, your feet shall dig into the earth. It's a sign of another day, another chance.Another opportunity.Make it count.

+ Positive | Dedicated⬦ Patient ⬦ Mature ⬦ Understanding
/ Neutral | Maternal ⬦ Smooth ⬦ Stubborn
- Negative | Nihilistic ⬦ Faithless ⬦ Vulnerable⬦ Anxious

"Does she really feel anything?"

The first impression one would get from Oak is her ability to be so damn calm in any given situation. She comes off very well put together and well-tempered. As if there are no problems within the world currently. Maybe, it's optimism, maybe it's down right denial. It's never easy to tell with someone like her...Everything she does seems to be laced with honey and sugar. Knowing her as a stranger, most would view her as their own mother. Whether that is good or bad. She is someone who can only unconditionally love someone, no matter the mistake. And honestly? Oak is just someone who understands. People are complicated, completely complex, and the last thing she wishes to do is add more to such a thing. Oak believes that everyone wishes to be understood deep down. Maybe not always forgiven, but understood.Her words and actions are rooted in dedication to those around her. She is always willing to go a million miles for anyone. To her, everyone is worth the effort and pain. No matter good or bad, they need someone who will believe in them and be within their court.The irony of this is that...it is very difficult to make Oak give up on someone or something. She's horribly stubborn, fighting tooth and nail to reach some hopeful end. Because who else will do it for her?Faith in higher powers has long left Oak. She truly believes that there is no one that cares about her and the others within that vast, black space, above them. Every higher power that has been prayed to has failed them, and now, she wishes to invest in what is present in front of her. Not something invisible. And yes, this has led her into believing that...Life is meaningless.In a horrible, but terrifyingly beautiful way, it has been the most damning but freeing realization for her. There are days where such a thought leaves her restless and depressed. And other days, it leaves her feeling anew and hopeful.But, underneath it all.It leaves her feeling exposed, raw, and vulnerable. Something that she cannot ever voice, but, shows heavily on her sleeves.

. h i s t o r y

disclaimer: violence || blood
tl;dr: Oak's life was rough but she found a group/family to belong to. That group turned into "The Nursery" that raised abandoned children. A raid occurred and Oak was separated from everyone. Oak now supports them from afar while being in Salus.

Growing up was no different for Oak than for many people of the now relegated 'dead planet.' Things were rough, the environment was harsh, the people abrasive. But in the end all anyone ever had to start or to finish, was each other. You don't make it anywhere in life without yourself, and without others. No higher power is going to intervene— only people will. Only you. From the moment Oak found her group, she was always busy. Never a moment's respite— or at least not enough of a moment to really reflect too hard on anything. Never enough time to think about her own life and where it was headed, or what would come of her, or what she would grow to be... and this was a good thing! Everyone was hands on deck, and the harder she worked, the more her mind was at ease.Start to finish, the plan for the settlement was one of shelter. A plan they coined 'The Nursery' was put into effect very quickly upon the realization they had quite the influx of children amidst them. Specifically abandoned children. Be it orphaned and left behind on purpose, having fled destroyed camps or unsafe homes, or even being children of settlement members who hadn't been fortunate enough to make it; there was an inordinate number of kids without guardians out here.But that wouldn't remain the case. They'd be tended to, cared for, sheltered, clothed and fed. These kids would be raised well, and hopefully grow up to do the same for other unfortunate kids in the future.That was the plan, anyway.Oak had been tasked with building infrastructure; creating and expanding upon the nursery's space. Kept her hands and mind at work, which kept the kids safe, and that kept her happy. Content and complacent. It was a lot of work, but she would take on double if given the chance. Hell, sometimes she did! Anything to make things easier for these kids.Somewhere along the way it just...went awry. A raid— desperate and heartless bandits came rushing in and taking whatever they could grab. It was infuriating. All hell broke loose, and when they tried to take off, Oak and some of the other more hands on guardians of the nursery took right off after them. They couldn't reasonably let these guys get away with this after all. The chase felt like it lasted eons, but when it came to a grinding halt, it wasn't because of the heroics.More like the wrong place at the wrong time. A run in with metal jaws and claws. Flesh and blood, and a searing pain. The loss of supplies, a limb, and a dazed confusion as to where she was... all sense of direction completely flipped around as she realized she had no idea how far they'd tracked these bandits to.Finding her way back may not have been so difficult, but returning empty handed felt almost worse than not returning at all. Even if she never found the bandits who got her caught up in all this, she could at least make her way to Salus and earn her keep, so she had something to go back to the Nursery with.Supplying them from afar is just as rewarding as supplying them up close.



Discord ID: eggboy#9572
Relevant social media ID:
toyhouse @ eggins
Preferred Name: egg
Pronouns: any pronouns, highly prefer they/them
Fun facts:
⬦ im a big sonic the hedgehog fan and i'll most likely draw everyones oc in that style im so sorry⬦ im cringe but im free
⬦ triggers ;
(minor) - irl butterflies
(major) - images of broken bones
most things im cool with!

RP Style Preferences: Lit/Paragraph/Script is fine with me. HCing is easy for me too-!RP Post frequency:
1-2 Days, at most. If I take longer, please poke me! I'm very bad at picking up a bunch of things and getting scattered about.
RP Comfort levels:
⬦ im comfortable with most things, the only thing i won't accept for this character is spontaneous needless drama or violence for the sake of it. if it happens naturally and ends up meaningful, that's the bomb sauce though-
hope that makes sense!Shipping:
⬦ prefer slow burn.
⬦ just heads up, please don't expect a ship in the end. oak is a little complicated with romance !


[ Scenario Three: “Tour” ]

Morning time was always this woman’s favorite moment of the day. The sun shining bright, the ability to s e e . It felt safe and warm compared to the unpredictable nights. The sun was always a warming gift to herself and others, it was the only thing that couldn’t be taken away from her. The sun couldn’t be moved, or harvested…The sun never had judgment over one's status. It was always constant.Always there.And if someone were to ask if Oak was solar powered, well- they’d be damn right that she is! The busy nature of the Salus was met with a lazy grin as she found herself approaching slowly. The moss welcomed her eyes first, it seemed to be the best part of the run down building. Simply, gorgeous. Though, that gorgeous view was interrupted once a figure came sliding down..!Huh?The woman raised an eyebrow as her hand rested upon a single hip. “Better late than never,” She slowly started with a small sigh. ”But no, really, I apologize for being late, there’s no excuse I really have outside of, ah, taking a scenic route.” Oak was already thinking of various ways of making up for what she’d done. Normally, the woman wouldn’t be late but…she lost track of time. Though, a part of her wondered if this person was just in a bad mood.Because, er, when she approached- her ears caught wind of his muttering. Aw. A part of Oak wanted to let out a soft laugh, but never she knew that’d be disrespectful. She understood why it’d be bothersome. Why would anyone really want to spend their time meeting all these new faces rolling in? Though, when she watched him try to put on a nice, forced smile, she finally couldn’t help but let out a small- raspy laugh.“I wouldn’t be forcin’ yourself ta do this,” Oak walked over with a wave of a hand. “If there’s more people willin’, I don’t mind being sent their way,”“...But regardless, Oak’s the name.” She started, her eyes following after the fan. The moment that they were heading inside…the sleep comment caught her attention. Huh. Not a good sleeper, huh?